Planters - Plants - Tools

Green Spaces…known for gardens that turn one’s neighbours green with envy!

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We've got what you need!

We would like to be the secret behind every flower that blooms in your garden. Spread an ocean of wavy greenery you would love to drown in. We are Green Spaces. And gardening, your favourite pass-time, is our die-hard passion. Gardening being one of most fulfilling and rejuvenating of hobbies, we have been stimulating several lives to bloom by turning their gardens enviably enchanting. We also know there’s more to gardening than just flowers, greenery and plants. What matters most for a masterpiece of a garden are the tools you use, the way you maintain lawn, the soil, fertilizers used, pest control installed and many other invisible factors. Which in turn means only a professional can turn a garden as magnificent as it can get and Green Spaces is one such hard core gardening specialist to reckon with.

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At Your Service

Garden Tools

A garden loses its sheen when one maintains it clumsily employing tools meant for other purposes. To get gardening done the proper way you need to apply suitable tools like pruning secateurs, gardening gloves, weeding fork, trowel, garden fork etc. Green Spaces never runs out of stock in good quality gardening tools.

Gifting Ideas

It is the thought behind a gift that lends it an identity of its own and hence a sapling as a gift makes for one of the most unique ways of gifting. Being a new trend, gifting a plant is like making a statement about you as a nature lover, one who cares for environment and values pure air. At Green Spaces we keep a range of saplings, plants and flower pots you can choose as a gift to someone you love. What’s more, we embellish the gift with add-ons like a trendy tag carrying a lingering message, all in a pretty goody bag.

Return Gifts

Nowadays it’s quite fashionable to see off invitees at functions with a nice gift as a token in appreciation of their presence. When that gift is a sapling or plant or a flower pot you indicate your appreciation is so natural, stemming from the bottom of your heart. Green Spaces makes sure your Return Gift is more appropriate for the occasion in hand with a fresh, lively sapling snuggled in a dazzling goody bag with a nice ‘thank you’ message.

Health Plants

With the world waking up to the benefits of herbal medicines and Ayurveda, tending a small herbal garden in the backyard is catching up as a new normal. It is like having a natural pharmacy nearby for mild disorders and symptoms. Green Spaces offers seeds and ready to plant saplings of variety of health plants, the leaves, shoots, barks of which are rejuvenators and have healing powers.

Planters & Pots

Planters and pots, both indoor as well as outdoor, come in different colours, shades, designs, shapes and sizes and we have a vast array of pots just appropriate for your garden or the balcony, atrium, side-walks, passages or wherever. Low weight, durable and easy-to-carry these pots are unbreakable, flexible and yet sturdy. We also guide you to choose the best one that matches with the overall look of your garden, the interior or exterior design of your home.

We've got what you need!

Green Spaces has everything you need to keep your garden blooming. We undertake Turnkey projects, Landscaping and help in creating beautiful green spaces for you to enjoy!

Go Green!


Green Spaces would act as a consultant for those willing to have garden at the backyard or in front of their homes or office premises etc. We suggest what type of plants, flowers, foliage, shrubs or trees to opt for including fruit orchards and boulevard plantings; would fit for your garden according to your preferences and budget. We also offer tips on the theme, size & design of the garden suitable for you and also on matters such as the soil, sun, economizing on water, fertilizers, pest control, proper tools and overall maintenance.

Let's Get In Touch!

As the name suggests, we are always there to serve you with a smile and deliver your requirements from seeds to plants, tools to planters & pots, gifts to health plants.